The first thing to do is to collect all the products, no matter where they are. It's best to look not only in the bathroom, but also in handbags, in the car or wherever else you might have stashed make-up, creams and the like. Take some time and group the cosmetics by category: Powder & foundation, lipsticks, skin creams, perfume, nail polish, etc. They all have different shelf lives. But before we get to that, there are two much more important questions:
- What of this stuff do you still need?
- Are there perhaps a few things that you no longer like or that don't look particularly good on you?
Then throw it away! Around a third of most products are already thrown away at this point.
Note the expiration date
Once the first clear-out is done, it's time to check more closely. This is how long the different products last on average:
Eyeliner & Kajal |
3-6 months |
Foundation liquid |
6-12 months |
Face creams |
1-2 years |
Lip gloss, lipstick |
2-3 years |
Mascara |
3-6 months |
Nail polish |
2-3 years |
Perfume |
2-3 years |
Powder |
2-3 years |
Sun protection |
12 months |
The average shelf life of beauty products also depends on what you do. For example, it is important to wipe off lipsticks after application, protect perfume from the sun and heat, wash your hands before reaching into the cream jar and clean powder and foundation brushes regularly.
Fewer products, better storage
When looking at our skincare and cosmetic products, most of us will realize that there are a lot of them and that we could probably get by with fewer. We therefore recommend buying fewer products in future and making sure they are of high quality. The most natural ingredients possible, no animal testing and, above all, products that suit your skin type and requirements pay off. If they are stored correctly, you will be able to enjoy them for a long time. Above all, the products you like to use will usually be used up before their expiration date - so you won't have to keep mucking out in the future.